For the love of Home Ownership

Easy to say and yes I am happy, actually I am ecstatic that I finally entered the home owner elite. Well it seems that way at the moment even though I know we are no more elite than anyone else. In actual fact nothing has really changed. I have to pay money to someone else every month for the privileged of staying in a house. I do not like where I am going with this. I love my new house, all mine now I need to make it my own. The mortgage and insurance are taken care of and I have my new carpets arriving next week so all is well.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Car Insurance for 17 Year Old's

By John Perkins

When you are buying your 17 year old car insurance there are some things that you need to take into consideration. You need to decide how much coverage your teenager will need. You will also need to decide who will be paying for your teenager's car insurance. Another thing that you should take into consideration is your budget for car insurance.

Car insurance for a 17 year old is not difficult to obtain. You should start by getting insurance quotes from several different insurance companies. This will help you to find the best rate on your car insurance. You have a few different options to obtain quotes for insurance. You could get out a phone book and call different insurance companies to obtain quotes. You will need to tell the insurance companies that you are interested in getting your 17 year old car insurance.

If you want to save sometime you should try looking online for 17 year old car insurance quotes. Many site offer quotes from several different insurance companies. This can be a very helpful tool when you are shopping for car insurance for your teenager.

Another option is to call an insurance agent. An insurance agent will be able to help you obtain insurance for your 17 year old. They will take down your information and call you back later that day with an insurance quote.

When you are deciding how much insurance your 17 year old will need you should take into account how mature your child is. If your teenager is accident prone then it might be smart for you to obtain full coverage insurance. If your child is fairly responsible then you may want to purchase the state minimum insurance. You should keep in mind that state minimum insurance will only cover any damage done by the driver to another vehicle. State minimum car insurance will not cover any damage done to the vehicle if the driver is at fault.

The state minimum coverage is the least expensive. While it may sound like a good deal, if the vehicle you are trying to insure has a lien on it, then you will be required to carry full coverage. Once the vehicle has been paid off the bank will lift the lien and you can drop the coverage to the minimum if you would like.

You and your teenage will need to sit down and discuss who will be responsible for paying for the insurance plan. Many parents will tell you that insurance for 17 year olds is not cheap. If your teenagers is going to be paying for their own car insurance then you will need to set firm consequences for not paying their insurance bill before you add them to your own insurance plan.

Family and friends will be able to give you advice on purchasing 17 year old car insurance if you talk to them. If they have teenagers ask them who they bought their insurance through. You may find out about a really great deal just by word of mouth. Most people will be happy to tell you about their experiences with different insurance companies.

Remember buying your 17 year old car insurance does not have to be stressful. Take your time and plan to find the best rate before making a purchase. By shopping around first you will be able to find a great rate on car insurance for your 17 year old.

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