For the love of Home Ownership

Easy to say and yes I am happy, actually I am ecstatic that I finally entered the home owner elite. Well it seems that way at the moment even though I know we are no more elite than anyone else. In actual fact nothing has really changed. I have to pay money to someone else every month for the privileged of staying in a house. I do not like where I am going with this. I love my new house, all mine now I need to make it my own. The mortgage and insurance are taken care of and I have my new carpets arriving next week so all is well.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

St Louis Muay Thai: Which is the Best Kind of Muay Thai Kickboxing School?

By Kathleen P. Williamson

Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing or, most commonly in modern times, 'kickboxing' has its origins in the mid 16th century as a form of hand-to-hand battle. During this period of wars, close combat with swords and other weapons became clumsy and arms, legs, knees, and elbows sometimes worked better.

It evolved as a sport over the centuries, first with horsehide strips wrapped around the hands and eventually replaced by gloves. Now it is a very popular sport and is considered a legitimate type of boxing.

At its most basic, it is a combination of traditional boxing moves along with martial arts kicking techniques. Whenever you hear someone discuss kickboxing or Thai Boxing, they are discussing Muay Thai. Kickboxing is the current invention derivative.

Once you have decided to study this sport, make sure you pick the right school. Make a list of all the schools near you that offer Mai Thai.

Then go to visit a number of them to see how they are conducted. Evaluate an instructor's method.

Does the teacher just model each move, waiting for the class to imitate him? Or does he take the trouble to instruct each segment of the move with each student? There are a lot of people who are the best at what they do, but are not able to pass this knowledge on to others.

Some of the schools you visit might have different class levels. If this is the case, pick a class to observe such as one you would be in.

Another important thing in choosing the right school is to talk with the head instructor, or owner. Here you will find out all of the information about classes and the instructors. Find out about their education and qualifications and what, if any, professional organizations they belong to.

Realize that kickboxing requires a great deal of close physical contact. It can be easy to lose your desire or build fear if a new student is thrust into intense competition before they've mastered the techniques and forms they need to learn first.

Another valuable asset in finding the right school for you, or someone close to you, is to talk with other students in the school. You can talk to them and learn how well they think the courses are taught and if they recommend the school. Make sure the school is clean.

Choosing a Muay Thai Kickboxing school is your own decision, but it is important to make the right decision so you won't be turned off by the sport. This is why you should go through the trouble of taking these steps. This is the way you will end up in the best school for you.

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